Telecommunications company specialized in satellite communication solutions for video, audio and data transmission.
Telecommunications company specialized in satellite communication solutions for video, audio and data transmission.
Active in the broadcast market since 2005, STI Telecom has innovative and customized solutions that meets every needs. Located in downtown Rio de Janeiro, we provide turn-around services in our Teleport with antennas for transmission and reception of the main satellites with coverage in Brazil, Americas and Europe.
STI Telecom has subsidiary in Miami (USA), that besides facilitating the relationship with our suppliers, it’s advantage for customers who wish to import the equipment on their own.
Custom projects and solutions
Provision of local warranty
Sale and rental of SATCOM equipment approved by ANATEL
Own teleport in downtown Rio de Janeiro
Simulcrypt Conditional Access Platform
Technical support with 24-hour help desk service
Consulting in import logistics
Provision of equipment for demonstration
Provision of installation, training and maintenance services for SATCOM equipment
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